
balancing practices.
Just after the first few days of journaling and looking further into my energetic status, things started shifting for me. I developed a closer and more personal relationship with my body, started getting on top of my health again and there was a spark of creativity! These are some of the practices that have helped me balance my energy the most:
1) I love you body.
It all began with acceptance of my body, giving it love, spending time with it and nurturing it. As the element of Sacral Chakra is water, drinking plenty of liquid is very essential in this case. Having a healthy self care routine has allowed me to find a way to look at my body with love and respect and really helped with feeling a pleasurable sexual experience as well.
Fav self practice: Sitting naked in front of a mirror and acknowledging each part of my body for the beauty of it.
2) cleansing my sacral past.
One of the most powerful practices of my healing was writing down a list of all the partners I've sexually connected with in my past and elaborating closer on my experience with them. These are initially the experiences that determine the way we look at sexual pleasure or our position in a sexual connection. Furthermore, visualising these partners in front of me, sending them love regardless of whether the experience was pleasant or not {we don't want to hold any grudges} and LETTING THEM ALL GO. It took me exactly 7 hours and 42 pages in my journal, lots of tears but left me with so much lightness and understanding for mine and their situation at the time.
3) meditation & crystals.
Daily meditation was really crucial not only in the period of searching for grounding, but also connecting with my inner fire and acceptance. Repeating my favorite mantra {I am loving. I am loved. I am love} over and over again, while spending time with some of my favourite Sacral Chakra crystals. Crocoite & Garnet will forever remain special to me as they allowed me to really tune into my Sacral energy!
4) unleashing the creativity.
It's been a really long time since I spent some proper time on activities that bring me joy other than work. The way I motivated myself was creating an endless list of all activities that make me happy, bring me joy and fulfil my heart. Coming back to that list every time I have a spare moment instead of jumping straight on Instagram and getting lost in the virtual world.
5) relationship work.
Sitting down with my partner and taking him through all the steps of my healing was so important! Allowing him to understand where I'm at, hearing out his opinion and feeling so much support has really helped me to flow through this healing in peace. Creating healthy boundaries for each of us and communicating very clearly of what aligns with us and what not was also very helpful.
6) yoni connection.
Attending monthly women circles has encouraged me to create a deeper connection with my yoni, understand and implement Tantra not just with my partner but also with myself. And practices like yoni steaming, mirror eye gazing and pelvic massage have all been a big part of my journey as well.
balanced sacral chakra.