
This black Pakistani spiky looking mineral visually strongly reminds us of the Tasmanian Crocoite, however its energy differs significantly. Actinolite is a stone of visualisation that allows us to get clarity on where we see ourselves in life, play it out in front of our eyes like a movie and truly dream big. On this path though we can often encounter the blockages presenting themselves as limiting beliefs that hold us back, but the energy of Actinolite penetrates these blockages and creates a clearer path for us. At the same time, it creates a metaphysically protective shield around us so that we can retain our own energy in the process. It can be beneficial while decluttering spaces or taking a breath in the swing of constant change and fast transformation. Actinolite connects with the Zodiac sign of Scorpio and carries a strong energy.


Amethyst catches one's eye with its soothing shades of purple tones. Depending on the location of mining, the color may vary from a really light shade of purple into a very strong one. Most of the dark Amethyst is mined in Brazil, however all of our pieces are sourced in India. Amethyst connects with the energy centre located on our forehead - Third Eye. It has the ability to release stress, help with sleeping patterns and allows us to tap further into our intuition and Inner Knowing. It is a stone suitable to be kept on the bedside table for easier falling asleep and its cooling energy can help with lowering the body temperature.


Aquamarine is a beautiful mineral of a vibrant light blue color that we source from Pakistan. Engaging with the Throat Chakra, it allows us to work with and remove any blockages in the areas of expression, honesty, communication and connecting the lower body with the upper body. It is a zodiac stone for Aries, Gemini, Scorpio, Aquarius, and Pisces. With its watery energy, Aquamarine invites a lot of fluidity, which is highly necessary in times of constant change. It can help us to stay grounded, by connecting us to our feminine yin energy and helping us to maintain our centre while slowing down. It acts like a gentle friendly reminder to surrender to the new flow life brings upon us and remaining flexible with our patterns and habits.

Green Aventurine

Green Aventurine is used to grid gardens or houses against geopathic stress. Wearing this stone absorbs electromagnetic smog and protects against pollution. As a mineral that engages with the Heart Chakra, it's got the ability to support through emotional healing and sorrow. It allows us to tap into forgivness and let go of things no longer serving us. Aventurine calms down the nervous system and is a general all-around healer. 



Clear Apophyllite is a very high vibrational crystal coming from India. We are so proud to say that our Apophyllite is one of the highest grades in the market and the energy is literally beaming from it every time I hold it. Because it engages with the Crown Chakra, Apophyllite helps us to connect with our Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels and raises awareness about things around us. It's one of the shiniest crystals I've ever seen and really evokes feelings of Universal Love, Inner Peace and Light. It's very suitable for those, who are interested to shine a bit of light into their shadows in order to work through them. Clear Apophyllite may get a little too intense if you're longing for a good night sleep, as it's a very activating crystal and when placed on a bedside table, it's position will align with your Crown Chakra when you lay to bed, which may trigger some very lucid dreams.


Green Apophyllite

Green Apophyllite is a part of the Apophyllite family growing in India. It's surely one of our favourite crystals mainly because of its loving vibration and strong resonance with the heart space. It is predominantly engaging with the Heart Chakra where it assists with Emotional Healing and overcoming pain such as grief or a break-up. It can also be very useful on the way to forgiveness and letting go of that emotional baggage we may be carrying.


Pink Apophyllite

Pink Apophyllite is the rarest out of all Apophyllites and has got very beautiful and vibrant shades of pink. The little pocket pieces almost look like a candy while it resonates with the vibrations of love and enhances our openness around the heart space. Pink Apophyllite helps with healing of the heart centre and allows us to feel the flow of our emotions. Its angelic energy is a great tool to connect to our spirit guides and Guardian Angels in times we need support and seek guidance. It is also a very powerful modality to connect with the Divine Feminine and the strong feminine wisdom.


Red Apophyllite 

Red Apophyllite is also one of the rarest out of all Apophyllites and has got very grounding and rich shades of red. The energy of Red Apophyllite resonates with the root and crown energy centres, creating a circular flow around the entire energy field. Helping us to open the spiritual channels while staying grounded within our Truth and presence in this world.  


Black Apophyllite

Black Apophyllite is the most unique Apophyllite types out of all. The black color deeply penetrates the clear blocks of stone and creates a mystical vibration that resonates with the Root Chakra and Crown Chakra. Black stones have an overall grounding energy, that helps us to stay calm and secure within our truth and safety.


Calcite truly is a unique crystal. Beside its amazing clarity, it comes in so many different shades and structures. My favorite feature about Calcite is the intense rainbows you see under the sun and almost holographic effect inside of each cube.


White Calcite

White Calcite has the ability to cleanse and purify spaces and environment. For those, who love personal development and getting on top of everything, Calcite is a really good option as it restores motivation in one's life. White Calcite also raises consciousness, links to higher spiritual states and awakens psychic abilities. As a stone of new beginnings, it's excellent when entering a new phase in your life - new job, new house, new year, new you. 


Honey Calcite

Honey Calcite teaches us about the best use of our power, as it encourages responsibility in leadership. It carries masculine yang energies, however very gentle and nourishing at the same time, which makes it helpful with recovering from abusive situations. Honey Calcite increases feelings of self worth, confidence and courage and assists to overcome obstacles whether in business or personal life. It is helpful for learning of all types and developing skills. Just like Yellow Calcite, it connects with the Solar Plexus energy centres and improves digestion and gut health.


Dogtooth Calcite

Dogtooth Calcite is famous for its canine tooth looking formation on the surface and colors ranging from beige, yellow all the way to dark burgundy. Our Dogtooth Calcite specimens originate from Pakistan and are mostly combined with Purple Fluorite at the base. Dogtooth Calcite is known to connect with the Solar Plexus energy centre in our abdominals, where it supports the process of digestion and can also be very helpful when creating a stronger energy body while strengthening boundaries within our environment.


Cavansite is an absolute rarity given it only grows in one place in the world, which is Pune in India. Cavansite’s color is so unique that it doesn’t exist in the technical world so no camera, phone or any other device can replicate it (bare in mind the magnetic blue might vary from the photo you see, but we guarantee it looks way more stunning in a real life). This mineral engages with the Third Eye and Crown Chakra, helping us to channel creativity and expression from the depth of our souls. Opening us up to different possibilities, seeing things from a more open minded perspective and holding space for us to channel our Highest Truth. 



Chalcedony is one of the oldest stones utilised since ancient cultures and comes in different color variations such as pink, blue, red or black. Each of them stores a slightly different energy, however one thing they have in common - the encouragement for Mind, Body & Spirit Alignment. Chalcedony's healing power permeates your home by absorbing negative energy and also dissipating it instead of storing it inside, which makes Chalcedony very special. The fascinating trait about Chalcedony is that it invites harmony into relationships (especially Blue Chalcedony), and so we recommend placing this crystal in the centre of your home, where everyone can access it and bathe in its radiating beauty. 


Blue Chalcedony

Besides the general meaning of Chalcedony (read above), Blue Chalcedony specifically works on the throat energy centre also known as Throat Chakra. Assisting with overcoming any blockages that stand in the way of clear expression or speaking your truth, removing any fears of being received and promoting flowing communication. Blue Chalcedony is an excellent reminder and even a physical anchor that can be held while having a difficult conversation with your beloved or anyone you're interacting with, as it brings a little more ease into your self expression. Placing Blue Chalcedony on your work table can also encourage a stronger creative expression, while having it in your pocket can help you with public speaking. If you're someone who's experiencing regular issues with your throat, you might really enjoy working with this mineral. 


Crocoite - so much fire in one mineral! Crocoite only comes from a very few places around the world and one of them isTasmaniain Australia. It’s got a very precious ability to work throughallof ourenergy centres, starting from the base one - Root Chakra, where it draws the energy from the Earth through the base of spine into our Sacral Chakra. That’s why it’s known to enhance fire, help withsexual healingincluding sexual trauma and develop moreintimacy andpassionin one’s life.


Epidote is a truly unique stone like no other originating from Pakistan. It's dark external looks may seem very ordinary, however if you light certain types from under, you can see a beautiful bright green color beaming through the surface. Epidote has a few different forms - aclusteror afan. The fan formation almost looks like a little dark green Scolecite. The properties of Epidote are focused mainly aroundovercomingvictimhoodand embodying theco-creatorof your own life, which may be specially helpful for those, who have been stuck in a cycle oflong term ailment, suffering or who have foundbreaking old patternsvery difficult. 


Botryoidal Fluorite

Botryoidal Fluorite is one of the very unusual crystals that we don't come across too often. It associates with Solar Plexus chakra and strengthens our will power. Besides that, it has the ability to help us work with our Inner Child and childhood trauma. Solar Plexus is a storage of a lot of emotions and this type of Fluorite eases nervousness, calms the anxiety and stress and helps us to follow through our words and goals. Harmonising energies is one of its strengths while it helps with productivity. Girl boss approved. 


Purple Fluorite

Purple Fluorite attracts one’s eye with its beautiful purple tones, slightly translucent color in some places, cubic structure and a deep mystical feel to it. Often represented as “Genius Stone” as it holds space for us to tap into the highest state of mental achievement as well as work through complex issues. The frequency of violet rays of Purple Fluorite resonates with the Third Eye Chakra evoking inner peace and raising our consciousness. Fluorite is a very suitable modality to work with for those, who wish to deepen their psychic abilities, seeing things from a different perspective or create daily rituals and spiritual practices that help us ground and connect. 


Garnet is a grounding and passionate stone resonating mainly with the two lower energy centres - Root Chakra & Sacral Chakra. It has the ability to connect women to the wisdom of the womb, but also ground the masculine in its strong powerful presence of holding space. We find Garnet helpful with finding stability, financial security and connection to one’s roots in life. Garnet in Vedic astrology connects with planetary god Rahu, which is the ascending node of the moon.


White Heulandite

White Heulandite carries the vibration of Clarity and Moving On. When you feel stuck in life and searching for the next step, Heulandite could be a good option for a crystal to work with. It engages with the Third Eye chakra and really helps to elevate one's consciousness to the next level. It is also used for accessing information about past lives and even the wisdom of Akashic Records. It is often used to work with dreams, intuition and has an overall calming vibration.


Green Heulandite

We are really enjoying the star-like structure of Green Heulandite, as well as all its colors. Heulandite brings clarity & focus into our mind, which can be of help while studying, focusing on our goals or following our personal and professional dreams. It has a strong ability to connect us with our Spiritual Guides. Our favourite feature about Heulandite is its ability to connect our heart energy centre with the heart of Mother Earth. Therefore it helps with releasing emotional blockages and pain from the past, while it works on deep emotional healing around our heart space.  


Blue Kyanite

Kyanite carries a truly gentle and intuitive energy inside of it. Its soft surface reinvokes the softnesswithin us all and allows us to tap into our yin side. The prestine nature of Kyanite doesn't require cleansing and it infuses our life with more calm and mental clarity. If you're looking for assistance with the process of letting go - especially anger, frustration or resentment, Kyanite might be of help with releasing excessive heaviness and invite more lightness.


Indigo Kyanite

Did you know that Kyanite is one of the minerals that never accumulates nor retains negative energy, therefore doesn’t need cleansing? It’s a fairly new mineral as it was only discovered in 19th century. Indigo Kyanite honours Sophia ~ the personification of Wisdom and goddess of all wise. It’s believed there is a big link between the word Sophia and Sufism, the Islamic mysticism. Ibn al-Arabi, philosopher and Sufi saw a young girl in Makkah surrounded by light and realised that, for him, she was an incarnation of the divine Sophia. The divine Wisdom that lays within all us, as we are all ONE. And one with The Universe and its vastness. Indigo Kyanite reminds us of the vast wisdom that resides in our hearts, so let’s honour that. Close your eyes, place your hands over your heart and thank for Sophia that’s inside of you. 



Lepidolite brings forward a beautiful tiger like pattern in vibrant purple and white combination. The white inclusions you see on our stones are Feldspar and carry a very calming energy. Lepidolite is great for assisting with anxiety, mental chatter, all things menstrual and hormonal health and mood swings. You can place a piece of this crystal on your bedside table, to your bedroom, on your womb while on your moon time or simply sit still with it with your eyes closed and listen to what messages it brings you. If you've been feeling stressed and life feels heavy on your shoulders, the energy of Lepidolite will offer you a relief.


Mordenite is slightly fuzzy looking white crystal, which may not even seem like a crystal at first sight. It may be useful while overcoming depression and unwanted situations as it dissipates negative energy and brings a little more focus to one's mind. One more reason to perhaps reach out to it during meditation as well. For those who find it challenging to concentrate during work, Mordenite could be a great companion in order to avoid procrastination. It's also suitable to use while practicing White Magic or daily rituals.

Peacock Ore

Peacock Ore is a colorful little mineral that evokes joy as soon as we look at it. Containing the colors of the rainbow it resonates with all our chakras and channels a very uplifting kind of energy. Peacock Ore is known as a stone of joy as it helps with spiritual development as it cleanses our body of energetic blockages. When life gets too serious, this specimen allows us to tap into a more playful space. Our Peacock Ore pieces have been sourced by hand from Tasmania, Australia. 


Scolecite is quite unique and its delicate spiky structure definitely stands out. Its body is usually covered in spikes while the colors can vary from white, slight pink into gray. Scolecite carries a lot of calming yin energies, which is quite suitable while deepening the meditation practice or slowing down our life, as it brings the mind into a more meditative state. It is also known to be very helpful while working in areas such as Self Love, Self Comfort and Confidence. It engages with Heart, Third Eye and Crown Chakras.


Stilbite is one of the softest and most feminine crystals we've worked with. Its gentle energy makes us feel like getting a big hug from our moms. It's been really helpful while inviting a calmer energy when things get overwhelming, entering the heart space for some healing as it resonates with the Heart energy centre. Stilbite has a great ability to help us overcome our fears and stories in our mind, gives us a sense of self love and love in general. And because it calms the mind, it is also a really good companion for those who seek easier falling asleep

Green Spodumene

Green Spodumene also called Hiddenite is a really rare crystal we’ve recently come across in Pakistan. It’s ever changing color really catches one’s eye as it showcases shades from green, through yellowish, pink to blue depending on the wavelength of the light illuminating its surface. Hence why the color may vary between day and night, sunlight and artificial light. Green Spodumene is very light sensitive, so it’s best to keep away from direct sunlight, as the colors may fade away very quickly. This crystal engages mainly with the Heart Chakra and allows us to deepen our sense of love and radiate that. It is also quite suitable for overcoming overindulgence as it helps us address emotional root cause of overeating and brings us on a more aligned path. Forgiveness, compassion and understanding are areas that Green Spodumene focuses on in our lives. 


Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is one of the most grounding stones out there and has an incredible power to centre the mind and soul, into the security of our own being and the Wisdom of Life.

Shamans of the African, Native American, and Aboriginal tribes used Black Tourmaline to protect from evil demons and dark energies. Egyptian legend speaks of how Tourmaline made its journey from the center of the Earth and passed over a rainbow, taking with it all of the colors as its own.

Black Tourmaline honours Manat, the Arabian Goddess of Waning Moon, Time, Destiny and Death. She is honoured because time brings us all a transition we call death, but in life she can bring a world filled with magic, wisdom and protection. She rules as a triple goddess with Allat and Al-Uzza. The Romans used these stones for their relaxing properties of inducing tranquil sleep, calming the mind and relaxing the body.


Green Cap Tourmaline

Green Cap Tourmaline is a very interesting looking stone originating from Pakistan, featuring a range of colors from the black base all the way to greenish and pinkish tones at the tip of the specimen, hence why the name. If you shine light through some of the pieces, you'll be amazed by the colored patterns inside of them. This type of Tourmaline resonates mainly with the masculine Yang energy, bringing forth motivation and action into our visions. It also connects very well with plants, which can be fun to experiment with for plant lovers. It is overall quite a grounding energy with the focus on grounding into the heart space. Green Cap Tourmaline is also known for the ability of cellular healing.


In the Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui, Quartz represents beauty and purity. It is one of the most commonly used crystals not just for spiritual purposes but utilising its optical properties in technology and electronics. It is proven that the higher the quality and clarity, the purer the energy feels as well as more potent when it comes to amplifying energies flowing through. Hence why grade and origin is something you definitely want to consider when purchasing your next piece.

Working with amplifying crystals, it is essential to be mindful of knowing where they came from, as they literally absorb the energy along the way. And giving it a good cleanse at the start together with setting intentions, Quartz can help you with reaching your absolute potential and assisting with bringing your manifestations forward.  


Pink Himalayan Quartz

Pink Himalayan Quartz comes from deep inside of Himalayas mountains, where it used to be used by ancient monks in order to reach Samadhi. That's where the name Samadhi Quartz comes. Himalayan Quartz has a very energising, yet soothing vibration and has the ability to bring our Mind and Body into a more meditative state. It is very suitable for calming and meditation. 


Phantom Quartz

Phantom Quartz is an excellent companion for those who wish to dive deep into their past and analyse what's no longer serving them in order to reach spiritual development. Phantom Quartz is very specific with its formation, having a little ghost quartz point growing inside of the already existent one. This particular piece is also combined with Hematite inclusions which are the dark shimmery speckles around the side of the specimen. This minerals helps us to release any past trauma and turn that into a more light and positive looking outcome. 


Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz is one of the most grounding stones out there and it’s extremely beneficial while working on all things around the Root Chakra - grounding, security, overcoming fears and family issues. Smoky Quartz helps us to analyse our life and see what’s no longer serving us while assisting us with gently letting go. When we let go, we create space for new and more aligned energy to enter our life, which is a massive part of spiritual development. Smoky Quartz is also very protecting, it allows us to stand our ground strong and feel secure in who we are, which is a protection on its own.