value the nature.

Taking care and understanding Mother Nature is one our main goals in Zalah. Humans have been very blessed with the opportunity to inhibit Planet Earth but sadly the damage that's been done over hundreds of years shows just how much it's all been taken for granted. It's time to undo what the previous generations have caused and start valuing nature just like valuing yourself. Because
W E  A R E  T H E  N A T U R E. 
We strongly believe that everything that comes and grows in Mother Nature is to serve a certain purpose and deliver a specific message. From plants, trees, crystals to mushrooms - they all have their own consciousness. Consciousness that's most possibly even higher than the human one because it's pure, untouched and unmodified by society. There is a lot to learn from Mother Nature {plant medicine} and observing her patterns. Crystals are a wonderful way to connect the consciousness of nature with yours, however it's very important to know their source as they carry a very strong energy and vibrations. 
Because we value Mother Nature so much, all our crystals are ethically sourced from the mountains of India by only one family that we work with and is now a very close part of our life. For more information about the sourcing and our story, please click here. The materials we use for wrapping and packing the crystals while sending out are all either made from a recycled material or are directly recycled and reused by us. When we receive the crystals from India, they come wrapped in cotton, newspaper and bubble wrap which instead of throwing away and buying new ones, we reuse for your packaging. Especially the Indian newspaper serves as a great cushioning and gives you a nice smell of India too! 
For more information and visuals on how we recycle and what we reuse, please visit our Instagram highlight "R E C Y C L I N G". 

Our founder Eva Cangarova offers a personalised 1:1 Money Wellness Mentorship to help you elevate and transform your relationship with money, activate your abundance and set systems to support you with building wealth. Money is an integral part of wellness and living in alignment and having a healthy relationship with it allows us to step into our fullest potential. If you wish to embark on this journey with us, there are two options available for you:

  • Single Session

    The investment for a single 1:1 Money Wellness session is $190 per 75 minute FaceTime call, including providing any necessary tools to help you level up (Money Sheets, EFT Tapping, Plan of Action etc.) and an on-going support during the integration process. To fully absorb the benefits of this work, I recommend attending at least three sessions every 3-4 weeks.

  • 3 Session Package

    The investment for a package of 3 Money Wellness sessions is $510. These sessions can be distributed in whichever way you’d like over the period of 4 months. And include the same tools and an on-going online support via voice messages in between the sessions. 

Crystals for Prosperity